• It is mandatory to wear a face mask whenever moving around in the common areas of our premises (i.e. entry areas, kitchen, lounges etc.)

  • Face masks are also required when using our meeting rooms. We advise you to rather use a bigger meeting room so that adequate distance can be assured (min. 1,5 m)

  • Kindly note that the max. total number of meeting/event participants will be 15. Face masks are required for all participants expect for the speakers if a minimum distance of 1,5 m to the audience can be kept at all times. We will also require that external meeting participants fill in the health declarations (can be found at the each entrance of our sites). This document has to be forwarded to the Welcome Desk/Community Manager. Aperos, catering or sandwich lunches cannot be organized until further notice.

  • Also, please do not come into the office if you or anyone you have been in contact with has any COVID-symptoms until a negative test result has been obtained